It is clear to many that the market for government collections is significant, and relatively untapped when compared to other collections segments such as credit cards or telecom. In just the last year a wide range of estimates have been made of outstanding government debt available to be collected. No doubt, the estimates are based on a variety of assumptions which include or exclude agencies at the town, city, court, county, state, and federal levels. There doesn’t seem to be a definitive and centralized list of all agencies at all levels of government that hold past due receivables. has published a new paid report, Local, State and Federal Government Debt Collection: an Industry Primer — and one of the first estimates of its kind as to the depth and breadth of this market segment.

Agencies at all levels of government in the U.S. have seen their revenue – and subsequently their payroll – bases slashed in the past several years. Raising taxes is a non-starter these days, so revenue must come from somewhere, including more effective recovery of what’s already owed.

The report is comprehensive, covering such topics as:

  • 10 Tips to Prosper in Collecting for Government Clients
  • The Actual Size of the Market for Government Collections
  • Breaking Down the Billions – Where Opportunities Lie
  • Specific Examples of State and Local Collections Initiatives

Interested parties can learn more or purchase the report on

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