John Keyes

John Keyes

Collections professionals have many tools at their disposal, most of which are based on driving results through a phone call. In the era of landline phones, this held true, but now with pervasive mobile phone adoption there are more tools in collectors’ toolkits.  Mobile text as a collections tool offers organizations a simple and effective cross-channel approach that can increase agent productivity and result in a lift in payments.

What can mobile offer collections organizations and why is it so effective in overcoming key industry challenges? Watch the video below to learn a proven strategy for using text in collections, along with how you can implement it within your own organization.

To learn more about the benefits of adding mobile to your collections toolbox, including best practices around compliance, watch the full webinar.

John Keyes has more than 20 years of experience in the software industry, with roles in marketing, professional services and engineering.  As Director of Product Management at SoundBite Communications, John is responsible for gathering customer requirements, prioritizing product and feature plans, and serving as an evangelist for SoundBite and multi-channel technology.  He meets frequently with customers and partners to ensure that SoundBite continues to provide industry-leading mobile web, voice text and email solutions.  Prior to his current position at SoundBite, John held positions at Open Market, Sun Microsystems and Microsoft.  John received a BS in Computer Science from Syracuse University and an MBA from Northeastern University.

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