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 [Image by creator BillionPhotos from AdobeStock]

7th Cir. Holds No FDCPA Claim Where Consumer Failed to Prove Credit Card Transactions Were for ‘Consumer’ Purposes

4 September 2019

Two binders that say "procedure" and "policies" sitting on a stack of flow charts [Image by creator vinnstock from AdobeStock]

The Good and the Bad: Bona Fide Error Defense a Hot Issue in Recent Court Decisions

19 August 2019

A person pushing a button on a laptop that appears to have illustrated white envelopes jumping out of it [Image by creator ra2 studio from AdobeStock]

Lavallee: Well, Now We Know How NOT to Send a Validation Notice via Email

15 August 2019

Man in a suit holding a large cardboard box that says "Dismissed" [Image by creator nito from AdobeStock]

Disclosure About Less Favorable Future Terms in Collection Letter Does Not Violate FDCPA, Says Missouri Court

5 August 2019

 [Image by creator enterlinedesign from AdobeStock]

E.D. Wis. Dismisses Case Against Collection Firm Regarding Attorney Involvement Letter Disclaimer

16 July 2019

Illustration of a business man with a magnifying glass following $ signs [Image by creator spectrumblue from AdobeStock]

E.D.N.Y. Judge States FDCPA Cases Based on Technicalities are “Lawyer’s Case[s]” and Harm Consumers

15 July 2019

 [Image by creator blackzheep from AdobeStock]

Common Sense Prevails! Seventh Circuit Affirms Consumer was not Harmed by Letter and Dismisses FDCPA Case [Podcast]

11 July 2019

A young girl with hands thrown up, acting frustrated, in front of a desk with 1970's style phone and typewriter, with hands thrown up [Image by creator djoronimo from AdobeStock]

Avila and the Intricacies of Civil Litigation Procedure Illustrated in Recent E.D.N.Y. Decision

20 June 2019

 [Image by creator enterlinedesign from AdobeStock]

Texas Court Finds No Issue With Mailing Second Validation Letter After 30-Day Validation Window

17 June 2019

Side of a modern high rise office building that says BANK on the side [Image by creator styleuneed from AdobeStock]

7th Cir. Affirms Decision on Creditor ID Claim, Says Commonly Known Name is Fine and Specific Terminology is Not Required

10 June 2019

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

D.N.J. Finds Including Writing Requirement in Validation Notice is Permissive, Not Mandatory, Under Graziano

5 June 2019

 [Image by creator freshidea from AdobeStock]

Jurisdictional Split for 1692g Written Dispute Requirement Highlighted with Recent Georgia Case

3 June 2019

 [Image by creator Alexander from AdobeStock]

Some Relief in the District of New Jersey: Court Stays 1692g Case Pending Third Circuit Decision

29 May 2019

 [Image by creator from AdobeStock]

8th Cir. Rejects FDCPA Claim for Unlicensed Collection Letter Signer

29 May 2019

Sharpie pen checking off check boxes on list [Image by creator pixelrobot from AdobeStock]

The NPRM’s New Validation Notice: Breakdown of the Validation Period, Check Boxes, and Itemization of Debt

8 May 2019

Coin jar with sticker that says "medical" [Image by creator vinnstock from AdobeStock]

Breakdown of Four New Requirements for Collecting Medical Debt in the State of Washington

1 May 2019

 [Image by creator blackzheep from AdobeStock]

Validation Notice Lawsuits: Overlooked Ruling from Third Circuit Proves Debt Collectors are Right! (Podcast)

1 May 2019

A person pressing a red "full disclosure" button on a keyboard with white keys [Image by creator momius from AdobeStock]

11th Circuit: Letter Offering to “Resolve” Out of Stat Account Contains Implicit Threat of Litigation, Requires Out of Stat Disclosure

8 April 2019

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

Debt Buyers in N.D. Illinois Beware: Purchase May Not Transfer Right to Collect Post-Charge Off Interest, According to Court

1 April 2019

A small child in a superhero pose, wearing a blue t-shirt, red mask and red cape [Image by creator yuryimaging from AdobeStock]

Jury Trial Victory for Debt Collector Despite Denial of Summary Judgment Motion, Class Certification

20 March 2019