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Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

House Passes Rule That Would Require OMB Review of New CFPB Rules

6 March 2017

ACA International Publishes Dispute of CFPB Consumer Survey

1 March 2017

Trump Signs Another Executive Order to Make Good on Promise of Deregulation

27 February 2017

CFPB Requests Information on Proposed Student Loan Data Initiative

23 February 2017

 [Image by creator danijelala from AdobeStock]

CFPB Hosts Webinar Today About Consumer Debt Collection Survey

23 February 2017

Arms of 5 business people holding up different colored large "quote" marks [Image by creator Sergey Nivens from AdobeStock]

Industry Group Tells CFPB to Support Consumer's Right to Financial Data Access; Don't Forget Accounts in Collection!

22 February 2017

Photo of courthouse building with "judicial" written on it [Image by creator Natalia Bratslavsky from AdobeStock]

BREAKING: D.C. Court Grants CFPB Petition for En Banc Hearing

16 February 2017

AdobeStock-Dialogue table discussion round table seat at the table

CFPB Consumer Advisory Board to Discuss Consumer Credit Info, Complaint Database

16 February 2017

A Tale of Two CFPBs; How to Move Forward?

16 February 2017

Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

Interim Guidance Says 2-for-1 Regulation Rule Doesn't Apply to CFPB

15 February 2017

Democrats and Consumer Groups Seek Reconsideration in PHH Case

14 February 2017

 [Image by creator bigshotd3 from AdobeStock]

Specifics of Hensarling Plan for CFPB Discovered in Leaked Memo

13 February 2017

A small a-frame chalk board with the word "Rating" above a series of stars [Image by creator slitthiphong from AdobeStock]

Unexpected CFPB Move; Release of Yelp-Style Rating Plan

9 February 2017

Senate Bill Proposes 5-Member Board Structure For CFPB

6 February 2017

Trump Orders Review of Dodd-Frank; Wants to Roll Back Regulation of Financial Institutions

6 February 2017

Richard Cordray testifying before Congress [Image by creator  from insideARM]

Former Counsel Offers Opinion on CFPB Structure, While D.C. Court Denies AG Group's Bid to Intervene

6 February 2017

PHH Files Supplemental Response to CFPB’s Rehearing petition; Opposes State AGs’ Motion to Intervene

1 February 2017

Photo of the White House [Image by creator Vacclav from AdobeStock]

President Says For Every New Regulation Two Must Be Eliminated

31 January 2017

File drawer showing folders labeled "complaints" [Image by creator Olivier Le Moal from AdobeStock]

Source Says CFPB Company Complaint Portal Updates Will Release in March

31 January 2017

 [Image by creator Federico Rostagno from AdobeStock]

Refresher on Electronic Signatures and Regulation-E (sponsored)

30 January 2017