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 [Image by creator designer491 from AdobeStock]

CFPB Encourages Automated Calls from Banks and Servicers to Consumers Who Need Financial Help

29 April 2020

 [Image by creator DOC RABE Media from AdobeStock]

Cordray Weighs In: Recommends Vigorous Oversight of Debt Collectors During and After COVID-19

6 April 2020

Clipboard with credit report and pen [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

CFPB Provides Policy Statement: Credit Reporting During COVID-19

2 April 2020

 [Image by creator Leigh Prather from AdobeStock]

CFPB's Taskforce on Consumer Financial Law Wants to Hear from Debt Collectors in RFI

30 March 2020

 [Image by creator LittleGallery from AdobeStock]

CFPB Releases 2019 FDCPA Report; Announces Extension Of Comment Period

30 March 2020

Arms of 5 business people holding up different colored large "quote" marks [Image by creator Sergey Nivens from AdobeStock]

CFPB Extends Time-Barred Debt SNPRM Comment Deadline

26 March 2020

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

5th Cir. Holds CFPB Structure is Constitutional

18 March 2020

Toddler looking confused [Image by creator Chris Mautz from AdobeStock]

Complexity of Calculating Out of Stat Date Rears its Head in Maryland Court Decision

9 March 2020

 [Image by creator bbourdages from AdobeStock]

Supreme Court Justices Struggle to Determine Presidential Authority to Fire CFPB Director

5 March 2020

Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

Time-Barred Debt SNPRM Comment Clock Starts Ticking

2 March 2020

Photo of hourglass with sand all in the bottom [Image by creator Zerophoto from AdobeStock]

The Impact of the CFPB's Supplemental Proposed Rulemaking for Time-Barred Debt Disclosures is Greater Than What Appears

27 February 2020

 [Image by creator Krasimira Nevenova from AdobeStock]

The CFPB's SNPRM for Time-Barred Debts—Breaking It Down

24 February 2020

 [Image by creator BillionPhotos from AdobeStock]

CFPB's Winter 2020 Supervisory Highlights Briefly Mention Debt Collection

18 February 2020

 [Image by creator LittleGallery from AdobeStock]

Whitepaper on Debt Collection Released by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors

13 February 2020

Illustration of the word BUDGET with a construction crane lifting up the "U" [Image by creator OutStyle from AdobeStock]

President's Proposed 2021 Budget Seeks to Curb CFPB Financial Independence

11 February 2020

A binder that says "Guidelines" on the spine sitting on a desk with a pen, calculator, and open binder [Image by creator DOC RABE Media from AdobeStock]

What is ‘Abusive’ Conduct Under Dodd-Frank? CFPB Provides an Answer by Issuing Its Policy on Abusive Acts and Practices

6 February 2020

Richard Cordray testifying before Congress [Image by creator  from insideARM]

He's Back: Cordray Working with California on Mini-CFPB

29 January 2020

US Capitol Building [Image by creator Gary from AdobeStock]

House Financial Services Committee to Hold Two Industry-Relevant Hearings in February

29 January 2020

 [Image by creator BillionPhotos from AdobeStock]

Another Seat at the Table: CFPB Adds Another Member to Taskforce

22 January 2020

Illustration of a map of united states in blue [Image by creator smarques27 from AdobeStock]

Collection Oversight Expanding from Coast to Coast: Calif.’s Mini-CFPB and N.Y.’s Debt Collector Licensing

16 January 2020