An explanation, maybe, to last week’s story about the recent rise in consumer credit card debt, could be this:

According to, U.S. household debt declined 1.1 percent during the fourth quarter of last year.

The actual numbers are sort of mind-numbingly ridiculous — since they deal in dollar amounts incomprehensible to this reporter, who is paid mainly in coupons and sometimes a smile. “Consumer indebtedness shrank $126 billion from the end of September to $11.53 trillion on Dec. 31, according to a quarterly report on household debt and credit released today by the district bank.”

All of this good economy news might not be great for challengers to incumbent president Barack Obama as we gear up for THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION OF OUR LIFE: 2012. For one thing, we’ve seen three months of continued job growth and a rallying stock market.

What does all this mean for you and your business? Tell us in the comments.

Next Article: Consumers Switched Banks at Increased Rate in ...
