After installing Castel Detect™ at their Houston, Texas location in the 4th quarter of 2011, LTD Financial Services was seeking positive changes in their business. With plans to roll out the immediate voice analysis solution to their second call center in San Antonio by end of Q1, Lenny Pruzansky, LTD Financial Services CEO, looked to capture the full value of Castel Detect’s™ three pillar commitment to deliver incident prevention, objective analysis and behavior modification to LTD Financial Services 500 call center agents.

“Castel Detect™ has revolutionized the way our agents listen to customers. Having the ability to see the emotion levels for both sides of the conversation separately, agents are motivated and succeeding in  delivering customer service excellence,” said Pruzansky. “Our business has experienced a drop in customer complaints and an increase in customer compliments.”

Castel Detect™ allows agents and management teams to see analysis of emotions and talkover within seconds of spoken words. Unlike other voice analysis solutions, Castel Detect™ does not require the call to be recorded for the analysis. Its distinctive approach to analyzing both sides of the conversation immediately for the agents and management team is key in providing a business the ability to understand the unspoken needs of the customer.

“We are excited to go live with Castel Detect™ at our San Antonio call center this month” said Pruzansky. “The team is also looking forward to being one of the first call centers to have Castel Detect™ immediate word and phrase detection solution due out this spring.”

Headquartered in Buffalo, N.Y., Castel Communications, LLC is a market leader in delivering cutting-edge call center solutions for leading financial institutions, collection agencies and telemarketing organizations across the globe. For more information about Castel products and services, call 800-657-8215, or visit

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