The Dallas-based business process outsourcing (BPO) and consulting firm SOURCECORP has implemented the first phase of three new integrated products from credit automation leader 9ci. SOURCECORP has selected 9ci’s Auto-Cash Application System (CAS) and Dispute/Collection & Deduction System (DCS), as well as a custom accounts receivable (A/R) module tailored to the company’s unique needs. In a unique arrangement, a portion of SOURCECORP’s A/R duties will be outsourced to 9ci, Inc.

SOURCECORP chose 9ci for its accounts receivable management systems because of the flexibility the software offers, and because it needed a package that could deliver seamless integration between the A/R component and the collections component.

“We were in the process of combining nine back-office operations into a single, consolidated site,” explains Ron Zazworsky, President of HealthSERVE, the healthcare division for SOURCECORP. “Today, those operations run on multiple databases across two platforms. To enhance our consolidation efforts, we chose 9ci’s system to become our single environment.”

During the first 90 days of the implementation, 9ci will conduct a “live due diligence” to assess, from a process standpoint, how to achieve the greatest improvement in A/R collections over the shortest amount of time. After the due diligence period is complete, they will deliver a performance-based software package.

“Since we know our software best, there’s no learning curve for our staff,” says Kevin Walsh of 9ci. “The knowledge and experience that our consultants bring to the process will help SOURCECORP get the most from our automation and workflow tools.”

When maintaining its nine legacy systems became cumbersome, SOURCECORP began investigating credit automation solutions. After conducting some initial research, SOURCECORP was satisfied that 9ci could provide both a streamlined operating environment and powerful analytics to enhance his collectors’.

“Operational efficiencies were the driving factors in our consolidation efforts. Through this process, we recognized that we had outgrown our existing systems,” says Zazworsky. “9ci’s robust statistical reporting and business intelligence capabilities will give us better insight into our client relationships and payment trends.”

Since SOURCECORP’s portfolio is driven by a large number of customers typically with very small balances, 9ci will customize the solution to efficiently manage collections in this environment. “It doesn’t pay to have individual collectors calling on balances of this size,” says Walsh. “Our goal is to take control of SOURCECORP?s portfolio and start driving it, rather than letting the portfolio drive the personnel.”

“We’re pleased to have SOURCECORP as a new customer, and I’m confident that 9ci will help them significantly improve cash flow and reduce bad debt reserves,” says Joshua Burnett, President of 9ci, Inc. “We look forward to a successful implementation and an ongoing relationship with SOURCECORP.”

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